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My Daily Brick Blog

My Daily Brick - Rome, Italy - June 2014

Tamryn McDermott June 2014


My Daily Brick was created from objects, experiences, records, and memories. I lived in Rome from June 1 – 30, 2014 during an artist residency at c.r.e.t.a. rome. Every day I was in the city, I stitched a waxed-silk brick in a different location. The brick was left in situ as physical evidence of my time spent in that location. Photographs of the performative act record the making of the waxed silk bricks. I also recorded the sensory experiences of each specific place, in a handmade, bound journal. Throughout this process I revisited places I have been, and spent time in new places as well.


Follow the progress I made around the city by following the blog:

Historical artist's blog:

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